Saturday, September 17, 2011

Banyan Tree update 9/17/2011

As you can see the banyan trees are getting bigger. I repotted the biggest ones in some miracle grow potting soil. I did not water them last week and it did not rain. Some of the trees started to wilt because of this. Hopefully they will survive this transplant. I will post more pics when they get noticeably larger.
Banyan Tree top view

Banyan Tree side view

Monday, September 5, 2011

Banyan Tree Growth Update

It's been a few weeks since I last posted a pic of the banyan trees. I transplanted the largest one into a different pot and its growth has slowed significantly. It seems like the banyans grow faster when they are competing with one another. Also I noticed that some of the leaves were starting to wilt. I believe this is because I am overwatering them. So I have now cut back on watering them. Another note is that I have started mixing in miracle grow with the trees water. I add it in about once a week.
Banyan Trees